The Crew
Capricious and feisty, and with a tendency to plough a lone furrow, the expedition’s climatologist is often seen as the leader of the human element of the crew. This opinion is not always shared by her teammates…
Rai Katravanagan
Moody and sometimes unpredictable, the crew’s agronomist is Marta’s chief rival in the leadership stakes. He has recently begun to challenge the Mission authorities, and is not always conscientious in his duties…
Jorja Celestino
Ultra-feminine and not-to-be-crossed, the Mission nutritionist and soon-to-be doctor has formed a strong alliance with Rai. She has an aversion to her fellow Brazilian, Marta Fernandes, which she does little to disguise…
Han Zheng
Bookish and lacking in self-confidence, the engineer and computer scientist is the same age as Jorja, but somewhat in her shadow. He holds the title of Mission geek…
Priya Nadar
The baby of the expedition, Priya is the crew’s exobiologist, and everybody’s favourite. She has a tendency to be spooked by local arthropods, but has proved cool and resourceful in a crisis…
Sal Medina
Sal is the Mission astronomer, and joined at the hip to his ‘hatchmate’ Priya. He was attacked by a pseudo-crustacean last year, but saved by Priya’s bravery and quick thinking…
Zhao Su-ying
The eldest of the Children, Su-ying has a mild learning difficulty and was raised separately from the others, a decision the Mission now regrets. Su-ying formed an instant bond with Han when reunited with the other children.
Jorge Mendoza
Like Su-ying, Jorge was raised separately from the other Children. His formidable intellect belies his physical and sensory difficulties, and he is the expedition mathematician. He has formed a strong attachment to his hatch-mate Marta since they were reunited.